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Are you overcoming A  toxic realtionship?

Overcoming a toxic relationship can be incredibly painful.

With the right tools you shall reclaim your power.

These are some of the painful moments one can feel when you end this type of abuse.

Schedule a call with
Your Fairy Godmother!

  1. Guilt: You might feel guilty for leaving or setting boundaries in a toxic relationship, especially if the other person manipulates you into thinking it's your fault. .

  2. Sadness: Ending any relationship, even a toxic one, can bring feelings of sadness and grief.

  3. Loneliness: You might feel lonely after ending a relationship, but try to see it as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and build healthier connections with others.

  4. Fear: It's common to feel afraid of the unknown after leaving a toxic relationship..

  5. Self-Doubt: Toxic relationships often erode self-confidence and self-worth.  




 Building Pillars of Strength

  An 2 month immersive course.

  When you say YES, as an investment in you, you shall receive.


  • Tools to build your inner self worth, confidence from within.

  • Weekly Q and A's with Andrea

  • A community to empower you.


   Your Investment is      





























About Andrea

Growing up with my family was....well a huge big mess up on so many levels.

Emotionally and physical assaults happened on a daily basis.

Fear was part of my existence. Every day!!


This went on for decades and into my life and marriage for 20 years.

Shocking isn't it!


Lack of self worth and a whole list of shit that well...was pretty toxic!


Underneath all that I knew, greatness was there..but dormant.


Some how I had the courage to say No and I've had enough.

There were defining moments.

1. When I knew my marriage was incredibly toxic. It all happened due to a piano performance preparation.

It hit me hard and that was it! And Done done done was the word.

2. Surrounding myself with people who helped me grow and create an incredibly successful music teaching business.

Wow! Success sure felt amazing considering all the failure in my life.

3. Self uncovering and knowing my higher purpose.


Today I've been promoted to Your Fairy Godmother.

I am a life coach, on earth, to help you uncover, discover, and know that you shall and can overcome all toxic relationships.


I'm a best selling author, creator of stuff.

The things that give me joy are:

Guests around my dinner table, great music, and incredible conversations that enlighten and inspire.

I also love the trees!!

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

– Nelson Mandela

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